The Power of the Promise of All Things
/God Works for OUR Good
Sometimes the bad days get worse. And it’s hard to see God in it. It’s like he’s everywhere but our lives, our days.
When you lose our job and the bank is calling to take away the house. When the diagnoses are compounded.
When you need hope and help, but it just seems a bit hopeless and you’re left helpless.
When you’ve worked hard, but it’s not paying off. When the relational conflict you thought couldn’t get worse, does.
Take heart, friend. Don’t give up… for we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
All things.
When your kid gets sick for the third time this month and you’re shuffling from doctor to doctor to figure out what it is, God is working for the good.
And my friend, when the bottom drops out of your life and you’re not sure where to turn, God is there too, working for your good.
When your co-worker who slacks off gets the promotion instead of you, God is working for you good.
God Makes the Impossible, Possible
Some days, people will tell you it’s not possible.
No, there is too much red tape.
No, there are too many hoops to jump through.
No, we’ve come to the end of the line.
No, we’ve exhausted all resources and come up dry.
It’s impossible.
This thing that you’ve given yourself to, there’s no way to accomplish it. This person you’re committed to, no matter what. This endeavor that you believe with all your heart is the way to go. And you come to the end and it seemingly fails.
Take a deep breath because that’s just where God shows up. Because we can trust that when humanity tells you…this is impossible. God answers back…with ME all things are possible.
All things.
When you get the diagnosis that doesn’t look good. With God it’s possible.
When you’re working desperately to get a child the resources they need to succeed, and you’re coming up dry. With God it’s possible.
When you’re stuck in a relational standstill and don’t know how to move forward. With God’s it’s possible.
God is the Peacemaker
Some days it seems like peace is a galaxy away. The wars get worse, and the fighting continues. All around us, people are in conflict- fighting themselves, their classmates, their parents, their enemies.
Where does it stop? How far will it go? We ask ourselves. When will reconciliation take place? Where will hope find its way?
Take a moment to pray, for into the strife is exactly where Christ’s presence is ushered. Into the violence, Jesus walks promising to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth.
All things.
To the bullies and the bullied. To the perpetrator and the victim. To the bomb maker and the bomb dropper. To the law breakers and law enforcers. To the women. To the men.
When Christ’s presence shows up, reconciliation is ushered in. When the diversity strips, Christ’s presence brings unity, reconciliation, peace.
God Makes Us Conquerors
Some days it seems as if we are kicked while we’re down. It’s like the prisons we’ve built around our lives to seemingly keep us safe, end up shackling us further.
The struggles come with no end in sight. When it seems like we’ve come against the same walls again and again and they keep getting taller and taller. When no one seems to be on our side, and everyone seems to be against us.
Take heart for, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
All things.
When the enemy lies and tells you you’re never going to conquer the things that are killing your soul. When you grab that bottle once more. Or step on the scale once more or open that webpage once more, sin engulfing you a little bit further.
Christ is bigger than sin, stronger than sin. He is the one who conquered all DEATH. It’s in HIS power that you can conquer these things.
God Holds Your Life Together
Some days it seems as if everything falls apart. The dishwasher breaks and the plumbing gets backed up, and your kids fight, and you can’t seem to hold it together.
When you’ve come to the end of your rope, yourself, your sense of security, and it’s seemingly all gone. When the business falls apart, and the boss calls you to reprimand you for making a mistake, and the relationship you’ve poured yourself into is suddenly over.
Take a deep breath, for this Jesus, this Christ, He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
All things.
When the baby gets sick the same day you have a big presentation, and you leave in a fight with your son or daughter.
When nothing seems to be going your way, and you’re certainly not sure how it’s all going to shake down. Christ will hold it all together.
Certainly, if he can keep the molecules of your body together, your skin on, your blood pumping, all on it’s own, than certainly he can keep all the details you hold so dear, TOGETHER.
If he can keep the earth spinning- just so- on it’s axis so we don’t all slip off the face of the earth due to the weight of gravity, then certainly, he can keep the events and relationships of your life TOGETHER.
God is the God of Abundance
Some days it seems like it’s not enough.
Not enough time.
Not enough money.
Not enough help.
Not enough support.
Not enough skills.
Not enough.
Not enough.
When the bank account runs out too early in the month. When the project manager announces they’ve cancelled the project. When you wake up feeling like you still could sleep for six days and not have all the energy you need. When you’re to the end of your own goodness and in need of something outside of yourself.
Take a moment to pray. It’s then, right then, that we can trust that…God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. He will show up for you and provide for you all things.
All things.
When the fridge is empty.
When your creative juices stop flowing.
When you come to the end of your resources and need more.
For we have a God who is the great provider, and in God’s economy, there is more than enough; even and especially when it seems to be otherwise. For all our needs-is the promise. Everything we need, will be satisfied, will be provided for. Wait for it, friends. See how God will show up and provide. Because certainly, he can and does and will again.
Some days it feels like we’re disqualified- From blessing, from hope, from health. It’s like everyone else has a place, has a purpose, has things going for them. And we dwell on that.
And yet, these words, come up again and again in God’s love letter to us.
ALL THINGS… This means all of life, all of YOUR life.
Each piece and each category.
Christ is IN it all.
Christ is ABOVE it all.
Christ is ABOUT it all.
Christ is found BEFORE it all.
And it’s Christ who is BEHIND all of the details of our lives.
So, today, this week, this month. When you’re in need or at the end or finding yourself broken take heart, take a deep breath, take a moment to pray. For ALL things means your life too, in all the power of its minute details and the glory of it’s ordinariness.
* Scripture references used in their order- Romans 8:28, Matthew 19:26, Ephesians 1:10, Romans 8:37, Colossians 1:17, 2 Corinthians 9:8
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